Glas ESC volontera

ESC volontiranje u Nizozemskoj: Neprocjenjivi izlazak iz komfort zone
Nakon punih 9 mjeseci volontiranja u Nizozemskoj mogu sa sigurnošću reći da su putovanja, međunarodna prijateljstva i iskustvo života izvan Hrvatske najbolje što si možeš/trebaš priuštiti dok još nisi napunio 30.-tu🤍

Spring in Amazonas
This spring in Amazonas, will offer you a merry wide range of activities and interesting events.

Litvanska avantura: iskustva volontiranja u dječjem Vrtiću
Laba diena! Pozdrav iz Litve, ja sam Anea i ovdje sam već mjesec dana a plan je puna godina! Volontiram u dječjem vrtiću Rasa u

EU opportunities for young people
The European Union, often mentioned but not always fully understood, is a unique entity that has evolved since its creation. If we take a moment

Amazonas continues with language classes after Holiday break
My name is Kristina, recent film academy graduate, European Solidarity Corps volunteer, and a leader of non-formal activities in Udruga Amazonas. This year, withing the

A burek of adventures: four pearls of wisdom to share
As my time in Amazonas comes to a close, with just one more month remaining, I find myself reflecting on the valuable lessons I have learned throughout this year full of excitement.

Spring in Trešnjevka
Spring in Trešnjevka was an event held over four days with various workshops and activities in Park stara Trešnjevka. Despite the rainy start on the first day, which forced us back into the safety of walls and roofs, the event was just like a spring, blooming with life and activity.

On self-respect
We all have that one writer we discover in our youth. And we love that writer in a way we will never love any other writer. Mine is Joan Didion.

Pro-tips for the best summer of your life
Here you will find fun facts about some European countries. And a way to explore them with as little cost as possible, from an expert on bargain travelling like me.