Author: Amazonas

World water day

Right now, in the world there are 2 billion people living without access to safe water. As we can see, this is global crisis, and we can’t look away.

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Prijavi se na napredni španjolski!

Od 20. travnja krećemo s naprednim radionicama španjolskog jezika. Ciklus će trajati osam tjedana, a radionice će se održavati jednom tjedno, četvrtkom od 16:30 do 18:00 sati u Udruzi Amazonas, Ljubljanica 7.

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Are you a European citizen?

Maybe we are used to thinking of citizen as someone belonging to a nation or to a country; for the Romans, however, it was a whole different story: being a civis romanus, a citizen of Rome, meant to be a free man, to have legal rights, and to actively participate in the city’s political life.

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