Glas ESC volontera

What is baptism of capoeristas?
Batizado (in Portuguese baptism) is an initiation ritual and ceremony during which capoeira members receive a Corda (the belt representing the rank in capoeira). In our case, it was joined with Troca de Cordas, an exchange of the cordas.

Europe day celebrates peace and unity
As European citizens, we should be aware about the opportunities that Europe brings to us. Unfortunately, I noticed that not enough people know about those.

Eurodesk: a big browser for opportunities all around Europe!
In the first paragraphs I will give you a short resume of Eurodesk’s history and what are its main aims. In the second part of the article, I will give you some more information about the results of Eurodesk — this means if it is doing well for the youngsters’ — and how it assesses all the opportunities abroad!

How is it to volunteer on an Island?
In our On-Arrival Seminar in November, we met a lot of other volunteers from all over Croatia that are part of the ESC as well. One of them was Marco from Italy, who lives on the Island of Murter and is a volunteer for Udruga Argonauta. To get a broader insight on how other ESC projects can be structured, I asked Marco to share with me his experience so far and you can read about it in this article.

Environmental Activism in Zagreb
I am very interested in the topic of environmental activism and we can state that the climate crisis concerns all of us and has so many layers to it. It is great that there are organizations like Zelena Akcija, that raise awareness about the topic, educate and speak with decision makers, because we must act now.

World Autism Awareness Day
Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. The disorder also includes limited and repetitive patterns of behaviour.

Why social work should be highlighted in our society?
Social work for me is not only the job of listening to people and helping them: it’s also what we can all do to contribute to our society.

Going beside the EU borders: the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree
Welcome to the second part related to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. I will guide you with the aim to make you understand as much as possible the EMJMD programme: especially its financial support for participation.

Volontourism – important steps before participating in a volunteering project
In the following I want to respond to the question of how volunteering really becomes a sustainable and helpful action.