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Going beside the EU borders: the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree

Welcome to the second part related to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. As always, I am Dino and I will guide you with the aim to make you understand as much as possible the EMJMD programme: especially its financial support for participation. Once I conclude the part relating to economic support, I will give you some of my thoughts about the EMJMD programme!

When to the EMJMD’s scholarship and its amount

If you succeed in being accepted for one of your applications, congratulations! But is worth to know that even though your successful selection, it is not synonymous of getting for sure the financial support of the scholarship.

It is also important that you make sure that you know your rights when going abroad! So do not miss to consult the “A guide to the rights of mobile students in the European Union”.

Going on, only once the candidate has been admitted to the programme will the candidate be listed as eligible for an EMJMD scholarship. In fact, the coordinators of the EMJMD will notify the candidate whether he or she has been selected, rejected, or placed on a reserve list. Note that each course will notify applicants at different stages or times.

However, another aspect of EMJMD’s scholarship is that no more than three applicants with the same nationality can be awarded the same amount for the same category. In addition, the amount of the scholarship will depend on the student’s nationality and residence!

Anyways, the amount of the scholarship should depend first if the student is from a Programme Country or whether from a Partner Country: the first one is related to the EU countries and some other — North Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, and Serbia. The second one, instead, is related to all other internationally recognized countries.

If the student is from a Programme Country, he or she will be entitled to receive 4,500€ per year. Otherwise, if he or she is from a Partner Country the amount will rise to 9000€ per year. Keep in mind that both are appointed for the tuition fees, and if not enough the EMJMD programme is obliged to cover all extra tuition fees.

For what concerns the travelling and installation costs, the scholarship features different amounts according to the students’ provenance: Programme Country students are entitled to receive 1000€ per year for both travel and installation costs. Partner Country students are entitled to receive 2000€ per year for travelling costs with the addition of 1000€ per year for installation costs. If they live less than 4000km away from the place where the EMJMD experience will take place. Otherwise, the Partner Country student is situated at 4000km or more from the EMJMD destination, he or she will receive 3000€ per year for travel costs and 1000€ for installation costs.

In addition, all the EMJMD’s students, whether they are from a Programme Country or not, will receive a lump sum of 1000€ per month for the entire duration of the experience (24 months maximum). Watch out that this monthly amount will not be given for the periods spent in their country of residence at the time of the application deadline.

Contribution to subsistence costs will not be given to Partner Country scholarship holders for periods exceeding 3 months spent in any Partner Country.

Keep also in mind that students who are former holder of an EMJMD scholarship are not eligible for another EMJMD scholarship! Further, successful applicants cannot benefit from another EU grant while holding the EMJMD scholarship.

EMJMD for PhD students?

Until 2013, the EMJMD programme used to foresee scholarships also for PhD students all around the world who were deemed to conclude their cycle of research in three different universities.

Anyways, starting from 2014. the scholarships for PhD students are channeled through EU-funded PhD fellowships un the Mari Skłodowska-Curie Actions which are addressed for research and innovation.

What after the EMJMD experience?

Once concluded the EMJMD programme the student will receive a common degree which must include at least the name of two higher education institutions of the EMJMD consortium. Or otherwise several diplomas: at least two diplomas of two higher education institutions of the EMJMD consortium.

In addition, as former EMJMD’s student you can choose to join the EMA (Erasmus Mundus Association) which is the alumni-association specific for this programme. Their website offers advice and inspiration for applicants! It is also possible to join the ESAA – Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Alliance which offers a dynamic forum for networking, professional development and intercultural exchange.

Some thoughts about the EMJMD programme

In my opinion the EMJMD programme is one of the most master’s scholarships that a student, wherever he comes, can get. The reasons are numerous, but there are some of them which are sufficient to demonstrate my opinion.

First of all, the student receives a lot of help from the programme: like finding a house or visa related matters. And this great because it allows the student to study in all parts of the world! In addition, there are over than 100 EMJMD’s courses, ranging from the more scientific subjects till the human sciences subjects.

It goes without saying that another strong point of the EMJMD programme is the scholarship amount that is very thought to cover all the all-day costs, participation costs, traveling costs, and to provide a decent insurance.

Besides this material aspects, winning an EMJMD’s scholarships will allow to the winner to be immersed in a new environment which will enrich it both personally and professionally. Indeed, being emerged in an environment like that gives multiple incentives to for self-improvement under every prospective.

Otherwise, I cannot tell you, as already said, that the completion is quite fierce and that some programmes have a sort of thresholds for EU citizens they can accept. Indeed, I suggest to you to check with the university in which you are interested, so to avoid bad surprises! Like checking their websites are sending them an e-mail.

Another thing that I have to point out, that is a sort of con, is that given the high competition there is always the risk to not get the scholarship; and also, the implicit risk to make this programme exclusive. It means that who had a previous education of high standards: like people who can afford to study in private schools, universities and do certain experiences which require a huge amount of resources and time. Could be the only one to win the EMJMD programme, leaving behind as many deserving students who unfortunately are not able to afford certain typologies of education and experiences.

Another weak point, that emerges from its evaluation: is that the policy-makers of the programme are more and more focused on the economical outcomes for who is participating to the programme. Indeed, it seems that the personal growth is left behind in the name of the economic return once finished the programme. Thus, risking to empty the true purposes of an experience like that: indeed, to form an aware generation for tomorrows changes!

Anyways, don’t be scared! Just try if you wish to participate to the EMJMD programme and show what you can do and you strength in overcoming all difficulties!

Therefore, I wish you best luck!


At the end we can agree that EMJMD programme, albeit has controvert side-effects on the competition, is a great opportunity that the EU puts on disposal for every student in the world, and give a further valuable mean to pursue a greater interconnection among people. Albeit some leaks, do not hesitate to participate to this competition if you are willing! No fear and just go! Because it is a great chance to wider both our personal and professional skills! Therefore, do not miss this chance!

And never forget: Play. Learn. Evolve.