Volontiranje izvan zone udobnosti u Slovačkoj
Jedna od naših volonterki iz Udruge Amazonas, odlučila se za svoje prvo međunarodno iskustvo kroz Europsku snagu solidarnosti (ESC). Pridružila se radnom kampu u Slovačkoj, bez unaprijed formiranih očekivanja, ali s velikom željom za učenjem i pomaganjem. Kroz dvotjedni projekt, imala je priliku surađivati s volonterima iz različitih europskih zemalja te se suočiti s izazovima koji su je izveli iz njezine zone udobnosti. U nastavku donosimo njezino osobno iskustvo:
Volontiranje izvan zone udobnosti u Slovačkoj
Jedna od naših volonterki iz Udruge Amazonas, odlučila se za svoje prvo međunarodno iskustvo kroz Europsku snagu solidarnosti (ESC). Pridružila se radnom kampu u Slovačkoj, bez unaprijed formiranih očekivanja, ali s velikom željom za učenjem i pomaganjem. Kroz dvotjedni projekt, imala je priliku surađivati s volonterima iz različitih europskih zemalja te se suočiti s izazovima koji su je izveli iz njezine zone udobnosti. U nastavku donosimo njezino osobno iskustvo:
Internet može biti koristan alat u odgoju djece
Iskoristite Internet kao resurs u odgoju djece. Pomozite im i usmjerite ih da ga koriste za prikladnu zabavu, zadovoljavanje intelektualne znatiželje, razvoj kreativnosti, razvoj intelektualnih vještina.
Going outside the EU borders: the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree
This article will be divided in two parts: the first part will tackle the history of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, its scopes and how to participate in it. In the second part I will give you some information about the financial support for participating in the EMJMD and find out if it is worth participating in it!
Erasmus+: Ostaju nam alati za rad s mladima
Erasmus+ projekt pod nazivom „Cirkuska pedagogija za inkluziju na Balkanu“ održao se od 9.1. do 13.1. u malom mjestu Brežice, nedaleko od granice s Hrvatskom.
Volontourism – When volunteering abroad becomes problematic
Although in general it’s great to be motivated and to do voluntary work, I was asking myself if it can also become problematic, especially when it comes to volunteering trips abroad and that’s what I will elaborate on in this article.
Erasmus+: ‘From Louti to Beauty’
It all started with an Erasmus+ project called “Youth Catalyst 2.0.” organised by a Czech organisation Brno Connected, led by Katka and Arianna, two trainers from Czech Republic and Italy.
Forging the European Spirit: which are the Erasmus+ programme outcomes?
In the next paragraphs we will find out the financial support for participating to the Erasmus+ experience and some other opportunities within the framework of the programme. In the end, instead, I will tell which were the outcomes of the Erasmus+ in the EU society.
How Christmas really becomes the season of love
We were asked to choose between different terms that we associated with solidarity. To me personally, two important terms are love and empathy. In addition, I would also associate both terms with Christmas and since we are in the Christmas season right now, I want to look more closely to the link between solidarity actions and Christmas.
International day of solidarity
The 20th December is International day of solidarity, and on this occasion, I would like to talk to you about why this day exists, what actions are taking place, also explain what solidarity means for me, and tell you about how we can connect solidarity with the mission of our NGO, Amazonas.
Forging the European Spirit: Is the Erasmus+ Programme a Suitable Tool for Forging the EU Family?
In this first part of the article, I will tell you something about the history of the Erasmus+ programme, how it works, its scopes and how to participate.