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Author: Amazonas

How did our Intercultural evenings go?

On the 17th of November and 4th of December, our 4 volunteers organized Intercultural evenings, during which they shared some interesting information about their countries and their cultures. In this article, I will tell you more about how it looked like, share at least few interesting facts about each country and tell you whether something similar will happen again.

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Prijavi se na Erasmus+ trening ‘Time for women’

Erasmus+ trening je fokusiran na razmjenu iskustva i edukaciju o alatima na koje načine se mogu poticati žene u sportu. Cilj je povezati organizacije koje će aktivno raditi na promociji jednakosti u sportu i na kreiranju novih projekata koji će je poticati.

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Erasmus+: ‘From Louti to Beauty’

It all started with an Erasmus+ project called “Youth Catalyst 2.0.” organised by a Czech organisation Brno Connected, led by Katka and Arianna, two trainers from Czech Republic and Italy.

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Volontiraj u Bugarskoj!

Početi se može već u veljači, a projekt traje do 31.08.2022. godine. Tijekom njega se od volontera/ke se očekuje da priprema i provodi radionice engleskog jezika, priprema različite aktivnosti za mlade, sudjeluje u pripremi Balkan Youth Festivala i brojnih drugih aktivnosti.

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How Christmas really becomes the season of love

We were asked to choose between different terms that we associated with solidarity. To me personally, two important terms are love and empathy. In addition, I would also associate both terms with Christmas and since we are in the Christmas season right now, I want to look more closely to the link between solidarity actions and Christmas.

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International day of solidarity

The 20th December is International day of solidarity, and on this occasion, I would like to talk to you about why this day exists, what actions are taking place, also explain what solidarity means for me, and tell you about how we can connect solidarity with the mission of our NGO, Amazonas.

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