Author: Amazonas

New year, new EU: European Year of Skills

The Commission underlined that the EU is in need of many new workers with many skills: from driving trucks to IT engineering, all of them are welcome in the job market and young people and students must be formed appropriately for the future that awaits them. Such a future will include words like digital, green, inclusive, equal, and innovative.

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International Hugging Day

He thought it was a great idea to create a national holiday who gives us the opportunity to do in public something most of us we like to do an to receive, a sign of love. As it is to give and to receive hugs.

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Ciklus besplatnih radionica: Kreativno pisanje

Kreativno pisanje je serija od 6 radionica usmjerenih na razvoj i usavršavanje spisateljskih sposobnosti, kreativnosti i ljubavi prema pisanoj riječi. Svaka će se radionica fokusirati na različite aspekte pisanja i književnosti, kako proze tako i poezije.

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