Summer Camp: Messivly Fun Bike Trip
Once upon a time, there we were 3 youngsters hanging out together under the sunshine, below their own roofs, inside their houses, chatting over the
Once upon a time, there we were 3 youngsters hanging out together under the sunshine, below their own roofs, inside their houses, chatting over the
As I promised What to do in Zagreb #2 you can find 14 POP-UP tips and tricks below. Enjoy! CULTURE AND ART Zagreb is rich
Here we go THE last part with a magic number! Enjoy reading and post some comments below if you discover some new places ;). WHERE
Dear reader,Since it is ALMOST the end of our lovely project with Udruga Amazonas, I decided to prepare a bit of what is good to
Autorica teksta: Margareta Katanić, medijska volonterka Udruge Amazonas Dana 28. lipnja u Centru za mlade grada Zagreba održala se interkulturalna večer pod nazivom „Food 4EU”. Volonteri/ke udruge Amazonas predstavili su posjetiteljima/icama večeri
Radionice koje slave brazilsku kulturu: 18. – 20. lipanj! Iako se Festival brazilske kulture ove godine neće održati u punom sjaju, naši vjerni posjetitelji i posjetiteljice neće
Autorica teksta: Marta Bjeličić Zovem se Marta i trenutno sam u Poljskoj na dugoročnom projektu u udruzi ‘Stowarzyszenie Promocji Wolontariatu‘. Ovdje sam skoro 4 i