Volontiranje izvan zone udobnosti u Slovačkoj
Jedna od naših volonterki iz Udruge Amazonas, odlučila se za svoje prvo međunarodno iskustvo kroz Europsku snagu solidarnosti (ESC). Pridružila se radnom kampu u Slovačkoj, bez unaprijed formiranih očekivanja, ali s velikom željom za učenjem i pomaganjem. Kroz dvotjedni projekt, imala je priliku surađivati s volonterima iz različitih europskih zemalja te se suočiti s izazovima koji su je izveli iz njezine zone udobnosti. U nastavku donosimo njezino osobno iskustvo:

Volontiranje izvan zone udobnosti u Slovačkoj
Jedna od naših volonterki iz Udruge Amazonas, odlučila se za svoje prvo međunarodno iskustvo kroz Europsku snagu solidarnosti (ESC). Pridružila se radnom kampu u Slovačkoj, bez unaprijed formiranih očekivanja, ali s velikom željom za učenjem i pomaganjem. Kroz dvotjedni projekt, imala je priliku surađivati s volonterima iz različitih europskih zemalja te se suočiti s izazovima koji su je izveli iz njezine zone udobnosti. U nastavku donosimo njezino osobno iskustvo:

Entrepreneurship made easy: Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a program financed by the European Commission. It allows young people to spend from 1 to 6 months abroad learning about entrepreneurship.

International day of persons with disabilities
The 3rd of December takes place the International Day of Persons with Disabilities every year. I would like in this article to write about why it is important this day, what is a disability, and refer to few world policies about this topic.

THE STORY OF BUTTERFLIES: Why violence against women must end
Not every woman is educated about her rights and not every woman has the access to support services.

To capoeira, or not to capoeira?
The capoeira trainings are worth a try, especially since the first training is free. It might not be for you, but if you never try, you will always be left with the question “what if?” in the back of your mind.

Youth in the Balkans: the art of turning problems into opportunities
Whenever I tell my friends that I see my future somewhere in the Balkan region, I get a surprised look and the inevitable question, “but why?”

European solidarity corps: long term volunteering experience
European solidarity corps is an amazing opportunity to learn about everything new and adapt to specific situations!

Erasmus+: Moje prvo iskustvo
Ako ste vi kao i ja neodlučni i nesigurni, savjetujem vam da iskoračite iz komfort zone, prijavite se i uživate. Erasmus+ je uistinu nevjerojatna prilika da putujete, upoznate druge kulture, naučite nešto novo, družite se, steknete nova prijateljstva, naučite nešto o sebi samima, razvijete se kao osoba i kući donesete hrpu lijepih uspomena.

Bullying can make you feel scared and lonely. How to stand up for yourself?
We are not always aware that we are victims of bullying. Thinking that we have to go through injustice and insults in order to mature as persons holds us back from researching our feelings. But sometimes we come to situations that are more difficult than our abilities to deal with them.

World mental health day
Traditionally, when we talk about health, we only take into consideration our physical body. Nevertheless, if we want to live a plenty life, we must also care our mental health.