Volontiranje izvan zone udobnosti u Slovačkoj
Jedna od naših volonterki iz Udruge Amazonas, odlučila se za svoje prvo međunarodno iskustvo kroz Europsku snagu solidarnosti (ESC). Pridružila se radnom kampu u Slovačkoj, bez unaprijed formiranih očekivanja, ali s velikom željom za učenjem i pomaganjem. Kroz dvotjedni projekt, imala je priliku surađivati s volonterima iz različitih europskih zemalja te se suočiti s izazovima koji su je izveli iz njezine zone udobnosti. U nastavku donosimo njezino osobno iskustvo:

Volontiranje izvan zone udobnosti u Slovačkoj
Jedna od naših volonterki iz Udruge Amazonas, odlučila se za svoje prvo međunarodno iskustvo kroz Europsku snagu solidarnosti (ESC). Pridružila se radnom kampu u Slovačkoj, bez unaprijed formiranih očekivanja, ali s velikom željom za učenjem i pomaganjem. Kroz dvotjedni projekt, imala je priliku surađivati s volonterima iz različitih europskih zemalja te se suočiti s izazovima koji su je izveli iz njezine zone udobnosti. U nastavku donosimo njezino osobno iskustvo:

Solidarity blog: Volunteering for volunteers
Part of our job here in Zagreb, as volunteers, is to provide lessons of our mother tongue to people who are interested in learning a

Solidarity blog: Oiseaux
I had my mom at phone lately. Before the second lockdown in France (it started the 29th of October) she went a last time to

Solidarity blog: Volunteers from different backgrounds with the same purpose
In the tram, in a music concert, in the theatre, in the street. Have you ever wondered how many people do we encounter in just

Solidarity blog: Being part of a Modern Tribe
Over the years, Amazonas has created and perfected some social programs to help children at risk of social exclusion: one of the most important is

Solidarity blog: Drifting
I have been in Croatia for a month speaking English daily. It’s the first time I have to, and apparently some changes appear. Sometimes, when

Solidarity blog: Our first month in Croatia
Hello everyone 😀 This is going to be the blog post about our experience as volunteers in September and the other volunteers will focus on

Solidarity blog: New volunteers incoming
This is the story of an Italian, a Spanish, a French and a Germansharing the same flat… No, it is not the beginning of a

14 POP-UP tips to do in Zagreb #2
As I promised What to do in Zagreb #2 you can find 14 POP-UP tips and tricks below. Enjoy! CULTURE AND ART Zagreb is rich

7 POP-UP tips to do in Zagreb #3
Here we go THE last part with a magic number! Enjoy reading and post some comments below if you discover some new places ;). WHERE