EDUKACIJA: JEZIK KOJI ČINI RAZLIKU – komunikacija u zahtjevnim situacijama
Edukacija je usmjerena na osvještavanje jezičnih obrazaca koje koristimo u komunikaciji i načinu na koji oni mogu utjecati na sugovornika. Koje su to riječi ili
Edukacija je usmjerena na osvještavanje jezičnih obrazaca koje koristimo u komunikaciji i načinu na koji oni mogu utjecati na sugovornika. Koje su to riječi ili
CAPOEIRA ZA DJECU S TEŠKOĆAMA Capoeira je afro-brazilska vještina u kojoj se isprepliću elementi borilačkih vještina, akrobatike, plesa i glazbe. Capoeira za djecu utječe na uravnotežen
During this month of March, we Amazonas volunteers have and are still preparing and publishing videos / tutorials on how to participate in the European
My friend the iguana March is coming, and I still have to find what I am going to talk about. I had in mind that
The month of February We are now back to our normal working schedule. And as I am sure most of you have heard, the measurements
This week I’m going to give you some advice that can help you to manage the feelings of depression 🙂 You may experience negative thinking
The butterfly Effect in our daily life Around 50 years ago Edward Lorenz, a meteorology professor in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, posed a really controversial
Depression/feeling depressed Introduction Hello everyone! We are starting now with a new topic for the following weeks, and today I want to explain to you
Some definitions Sign languages refer to languages (produced by movements of the hands, face and body as a whole) that deaf people have
During the Christmas holidays and throughout the month of January, the people who attended our video editing workshops and joined our media team completed their