Programs and projects aimed at children and youth at risk of poverty and social exclusion, as well as their parents

Programs and projects focused on non-formal learning and education for youth and by youth

Training sessions, lectures, and education for professionals and individuals working with children and youth in the fields of social welfare, education, and childcare.

Programs and projects aimed at children and youth at risk of poverty and social exclusion, as well as their parents.

Training sessions, lectures, and education for professionals and individuals working with children and youth in the fields of social welfare, education, and childcare.

Programs and projects focused on non-formal learning and education for youth and by youth


Amazonas Summercamp 2024.

Dear friends, we are happy to announce that we will be going back to Lošinj, our favorite island with the freshest air and cleanest sea.

Treniraj capoeiru s nama u sezoni 2023./2024.

Ako još nisi naš član/ica, a rado bi se priključio/priključila našim treninzima capoeire ili uključio/uključila dijete u treninge, molimo te da nam ostaviš svoje podatke u obrascu prijave za treninge u novoj sezoni.


The Amazonas Association was registered in Zagreb in 2004 with the purpose of promoting positive change and social activation.

Our activities are based on implementing programs and projects focused on the education, empowerment, and improvement of the quality of life for children, youth, and adults in the local community. Through three areas of work – social support, active and mobile youth, and professional empowerment – we organize activities for active leisure, promote volunteering and community involvement, and conduct workshops, education, and training sessions.


The Amazonas Association was registered in Zagreb in 2004 with the purpose of promoting positive change and social activation.

Our activities are based on implementing programs and projects focused on the education, empowerment, and improvement of the quality of life for children, youth, and adults in the local community. Through three areas of work – social support, active and mobile youth, and professional empowerment – we organize activities for active leisure, promote volunteering and community involvement, and conduct workshops, education, and training sessions.

Sign up for
the Amazonas newsletter

Association Amazonas is a beneficiary of the institutional support of the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society for the stabilization and/or development of the association

Podrži naš rad i pomozi nam stvarati pozitivne promjene kroz inovativnost, pokret i učenje. U našem radu izravno smo usmjereni podršci najranjivijim skupinama.

Što su naši korisnici rekli o nama:

„Ovaj projekt je jedna od najboljih stvari u kojima sam sudjelovao.“

„Otvorilo mi je nove vidike, vratilo vjeru u ljude, pokazalo da to što radim ima jakooo smisla, potvrđjujem samu sebe kroz rad u kojem imam podršku i uviđam da je apsolutno sve moguće.“

„Udruga Amazonas mi je pružila priliku da ojačam svoje kompetencije i da se osjećam korisnije u društvu. Imam samo riječi pohvale za Amazonas i ljude koje sam tamo upoznala.“

„Hvala za jačanje samopouzdanja moje djece.“

„Amazonas je moj dugogodišnji učitelj i pratitelj u životnim izazovima. Ponekad zadaje zahtjevne zadatke, ali baš zato daje dobre lekcije i gura me naprijed u nove pobjede.“

Uplatom donacije na naš račun potičete pozitivne promjene zajedno s nama.

Udruga Amazonas

Veprinačka 15, Zagreb

IBAN: HR3324840081103441200


Support our work and help us create positive change through innovation, movement and learning. In our work, we are directly focused on supporting the most vulnerable groups.

What our beneficiaries said about us:

"This project is one of the best things I've been involved in."

"It opened new horizons for me, restored faith in people, showed that my contribution really makes a difference. I have full support from my work colleagues and I can with absolute certainty say that anything is possible."

"Amazonas Association has given me the opportunity to strengthen my competencies and feel more useful in society. I only have words of praise for Amazonas and the people I met there. "

"Thank you for boosting my children's confidence."

“Amazonas is my longtime teacher and companion in life’s challenges. Sometimes it sets demanding tasks, but that's the reason why I push myself forward and achieve more. "

By making a donation to our account, you encourage positive changes together with us.

Udruga Amazonas

Veprinačka 15, Zagreb

IBAN: HR3324840081103441200

Thank you!