active and mobile youth

New knowledge and experiences lie beyond the comfort zone!

We implement programs and projects focused on informal youth learning and youth through the local project “Include All!” and internationally through mobility programs.

Include All!

The “Include All!” project is aimed at actively involving young people in society and developing competencies that contribute to their participation in social activities. The project originated from the need to increase services in the community.

The basic activities of the project include:

  • Informal leisure activities
    Activities are intended for young people in the local community who can participate in informal educational activities (specific education, language learning) and cultural workshops (intercultural evenings, specific skills such as animation, origami, etc.).
  • Informing young people about mobility opportunities within the Erasmus+ program and European Solidarity Corps
    Through workshops and organizing mobility info days within the EU, project users and other young people have the opportunity to exchange experiences in the field of mobility. Our European Solidarity Corps volunteers inform about the project from their own experience, and our partners from other organizations present mobility opportunities they are involved in.

Current events for young people can be viewed HERE

Mobility projects

Erasmus+ is the largest EU program that supports education, training, youth, and sports in Europe. Through its various program types and initiatives, it provides opportunities for individuals of different ages and organizations of various profiles in the mentioned areas.

The European Solidarity Corps program allows young people to participate in a wide range of activities through volunteering, either in their own country or abroad.

We are accredited to implement youth exchanges within the Erasmus+ program and to send and receive volunteers for projects within the European Solidarity Corps. This means that you can participate in projects we implement and travel abroad for learning purposes with most of the participation costs and travel expenses covered.

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