support for children

Our work with children is characterized by the use of innovative approaches: capoeira, sports, and physical activities as psychosocial tools. In the area of developing children’s socio-emotional skills, we have implemented and continue to run several programs: Tribo Moderna – capoeira for tolerance and non-violence, ISTRESI – stress coping techniques, More than Sport.

Tribo Moderna – Capoeira for Tolerance and Non-Violence

The Tribo Moderna project is a preventive program aimed at promoting the development of a culture of peace and non-violence through the dance-fighting art of capoeira. It focuses on activities directed towards children at risk, their families, and the local community.

“Tribo Moderna” in Portuguese means “modern tribe” and symbolizes the innovative approach of this project in combating unacceptable behaviors using capoeira as a method in working with children. Capoeira is non-competitive in nature and encourages collaboration, non-violence, and acceptance of differences.

The project is carried out in partnership with the district office Trešnjevka, the Croatian Social Welfare Institute, and six elementary schools: Zagreb (A. Cesarca Elementary School, Ljubljanica Elementary School, Retkovec Elementary School), Zaprešić (Lj. Gaj Elementary School), and Rijeka (Podmurvice Elementary School, Centar). Project beneficiaries include children at risk, their parents, and volunteers, as well as specific class departments in schools where the project is implemented.

The main activities of the project include capoeira workshops for children, where, in addition to the physical part of the training, capoeira principles and philosophy are extended. These principles promote equality, collaboration, and the importance of the group as support (the “modern tribe”). In the capoeira game, through movement rivalry, children learn how to control uncomfortable emotions and express them in an acceptable way, how to remain calm in the face of provocation, and how to be oneself while respecting their playmates.

In addition to capoeira workshops for children, parents are involved in project activities through advisory work, workshops, and joint activities with children.

Some children receive additional help and support through individual work conducted voluntarily by students in higher years of helping professions. Parents receive additional individual support through the voluntary work of psychotherapist experts. The work of all performers and volunteers is supervised and educated. Tolerance and non-violence values are promoted in schools and local communities through the celebration of Tolerance Day, the “Move” campaign, and workshops for class departments.

The project has been co-financed by the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth, and Social Policy, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Science and Education, the City of Zagreb – City Office for Social Welfare, the Zagreb County, the City of Pula, and the City of Zaprešić.

ISTRESI - Stress Coping Techniques

As part of the project “Together Building Support Systems,” in collaboration with partners from the Association “Children First,” we have developed a manual on stress coping techniques.

Stress is a topic discussed daily, and you have likely experienced it at some point in your life. Through the ISTRESI program, we aim to introduce children and youth to several short techniques to help them cope with stress. The program was implemented with the positive expert opinion of the Agency for Education and Training, and the implementation manual can be found in the educational materials section. It is in Croatian only.

(The manual is accompanied by 6 educational video materials.)

The project “Together Building Support Systems,” UP. within the call Strengthening the Capacities of NGOs to Respond to the Needs of the Local Community, is led by the Amazonas Association, with partners being the Association “Children First” and Sunflower – Community Development Center. The total project value is HRK 493,288.68 (EU funds: HRK 419,295.38), and the project duration is 18 months (from June 23, 2022, to December 23, 2023). It is funded by the European Social Fund.

More than Sport

As part of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership, we have developed a program for working with youth in the areas of personal development and social skills, using sports and physical activities as tools. An adapted version of the program is also intended for children, students from the 6th to the 8th grade. The program consists of 10 workshops covering the areas of self-awareness, relationships with others, emotion regulation, trust and sources of support, empathy, and decision-making.

The manual for the program you can find in the educational materials section.