Welcome to the second part related to the Eurodesk platform. As always, I am Dino and I will guide you with the aim to make you understand as much as the role that this platform has in nowadays for the youngsters from all over Europe!
Unlike my precedent articles, in this second part we will not tackle the economic situations of each opportunity (internships, grants and so going on) within the Eurodesk website. Since the moment that every opportunity displayed has its own rules for application and own resources.
Therefore, I will tell you something about the external action of Eurodesk in the EU institutions for improving the youth situation and bring new initiatives!
What are the results of Eurodesk?
The work of Eurodesk has shown that providing clear and reliable information about abroad chances enhances youth trust about their own future and EU’s role, especially in these difficult times. Indeed, Eurodesk’s work has been a beacon for those youngsters who were quite afraid by these unprecedent times. Finding in it a sort of reliable service to oriented themselves in the European panorama of work.
Thus, the Eurodesk structure is seen as a further mean to strengthen the youth voice within the EU institution. But also, to counter-fight those false job proposals in which a young person could encounter.
Indeed, Audrey Frith — Director of Eurodesk — has pointed out that “the crisis showed once again the need for a more coordinate approach” and how “the crisis also gave light to the importance of intergenerational solidarity and active citizenship”[1].
Therefore, Eurodesk represents a further voice of the young Europeans within the EU framework, and this is not to be taken for granted. Since the moment that youngsters’ needs are most of the times left behind by both National and EU institutions.
Another fact that emerges from Eurodesk’s action is having several branches in more than 30 (thirty) European countries. Eurodesk national partners are the key to the successful delivery of the network’s services. The service granted also to young non-EU citizens enhances the trust and sympathies of this people towards the EU project.
In addition, have and international structure like the Eurodesk it is more easily to counter illegal behaviors within the selection process. This since the moment that the Eurodesk’s duty is very aimed to increase the equality of information among youngsters avoiding, as far as possible, inequity between them.
Further, the Eurodesk structure permits to track the different opportunities that could show up and to have a look on national agencies’ efforts in promoting opportunities around the European Union. It is clear, that this day-by-day work enhances the quality of both the services and opportunities provided to the youngsters.
You shall not pass if you do not belong to the Quality Catalogue!
The Quality Catalogue is part of Eurodesk daily work. Created as a performance and assessment tool of the Eurodesk network, it evolved over the years collecting feedback from national coordinators and multipliers on their yearly activities and helping coordinators deliver same levels of qualitative information in all involved countries by highlighting things to improve and how to improve them. The Quality Catalogue is revised by the Quality Group on a permanent basis – as a result many indicators and questions.
Therefore, Eurodesk makes sure that all its branches and partners respect same quality standards granting so a service that meets the most demanding expectations!
If not so, Eurodesk will intervene to correct the deficiencies and, if needed, to take serious actions to put an end to critical situations. This makes you understand how Eurodesk takes seriously its duties!
Contributing to policy discussions
Since its insertion within the Erasmus+ framework, Eurodesk has been an active actor in the European policy process in the field of youth mobility. For instance, it has contributed with input to the creation of the EU Youth Strategy and the European Solidarity Corps. In addition, Eurodesk has voiced its idea for a comprehensive approach to youth information. Aim of it is to create more inclusive initiatives.
In fact, the Eurodesk’s contribution to policy discussions is possible thanks its internet analysis and research about youth employment within the European continent, and the status of youth rights within the associated countries.
All this contributes the policy discussions especially via papers and communication campaigns, which facilitates the flow of information from the bottom up to the institutions. Indeed, the assessing of youth’s needs is carried out throughout surveys. It is a good tool to show the pressing need to improve for young people. To better inform about youth mobility and to ensure vis-à-vis contact and support is not overlooked in the rapid development of digital tools and social media outreach.
It is undeniable, at this point, that Eurodesk has been and still it is an excellent tool for bringing young people to the knowledge of all the opportunities available. But also, to give life to new initiatives capable of increasing the professional offers, study, volunteering, and funding for young people.
This is true since the initial Eurodesk project was developed year after year by the European Commission. Giving to it a legal structure and funding able to grand to the structure the capacity to project and implement youth initiatives!
In this regard, I may tell you that the pros are exceeding the cons of the Eurodesk platform. This since the moment that the main duty of Eurodesk is to provide information to the youngsters for abroad information. And I can argue that the website and the Eurodesk opportunity finder are very well done.
Maybe the only con that is worth to be pointed out – which is self-evident – is the fact that the EU institutions (especially the European Commission and European Council) should give more weight to what emerges from Eurodesk’s studies on the condition of youth in the European continent and to allow it to play a more incisive role in the political debate.
At the end, we can agree that Eurodesk is doing pretty well in providing all the needed information for abroad mobility to the young people. Opportunities which are several and can satisfy any person who has special interests. Indeed, you can find jobs within EU, international, national institutions, and in the private sector. Or to search for grants which may help you to study in another country!
You can find a lot of opportunities on the Eurodesk! Therefore, no fear and just go! Because it is a great chance to wider both our personal and professional skills! Therefore, do not miss these chances!
And never forget: Play. Learn. Evolve.!
[1] Eurodesk website: https://eurodesk.eu/2020/06/09/opinion-after-covid-19-whats-next/