Hello everyone 😀
This is going to be the blog post about our experience as volunteers in September and the other volunteers will focus on a different topic for their blogs, so watch out for that 😉
Our first official task as Volunteers was the Festivol 3.0 which was organised by Syncro- Synergy Croatia in partnership with Art Park Zagreb. We met a lot of other Organizations and People and were able to talk about our and their organisation with other Volunteers, which is also the goal of the Festival. Some organisations also organized some workshops and activities in which we participated. Other organisations who were there: BIOM; Azil Dumovec; Erasmus Student Network Zagreb; Platypus, Ocean Znanja; and Outward Bound Zagreb. It was a very fun and educational experience which enabled us to connect with other organisations and some of the Volunteers we met are now good friends of ours and we did a lot of activities together in our free-time such as Karaoke or a tour through Zagreb which was organised by one of the other Volunteers.
We also went to Jarun Lake and been to several Festivals such as the Food Truck Festival in Jarun and even a Hip Hop Dance Battle 😀
Here you can see some photos from the Festivol 3.0:

One of our most recent tasks was to take photos of a basketball tournament, which was a very important one. This event was organised by Sportska udruga Filozofskog fakulteta – SUFF, Kako si? and Forum za održivi razvoj Zeleni prozor in honor of Emil S. who was a basketball player and committed suicide, which is why the organisation “Kako Si?” raised awareness of mental health through workshops and a stand where we had some great conversations. The basketball tournament was exciting to watch and one of the employees of Amazonas even participated while some of the volunteers played for fun with other people.

All in all it’s been an eventful first month and so far I really love it here 🙂
Next month we will have our first language class, that we have to teach, our first intercultural evening, that we have to host and our On-Arrival Training in Osijek for which we all are very excited.
And that is all for the month of September, see you Guys next month 🙂