Eurodesk: a big browser for opportunities all around Europe!

Hello to everybody! Here is your Dino and I will tell you something about the Eurodesk project, which has raised to service the youth work within the European Union. As in the previous articles, I will follow the usual structure: in the first paragraphs I will give you a short resume of Eurodesk’s history and what are its main aims. In the second part of the article, I will give you some more information about the results of Eurodesk — this means if it is doing well for the youngsters’ — and how it assesses all the opportunities abroad!

Anyways, before starting, I suggest you have a look to my previous articles about EU mobility with Amazonas’ Solidarity Blog to better understand what the EU can offer you!

The creation of Eurodesk in the early 90s.

All began in March 1990 in Scotland when few youngsters, after detecting the lack of a common information platform where to gather — in a clear and efficient way — all the work opportunities for the European youngsters, decided to fund a small regional project to meet this lack. Soon after, funding was obtained by the EU which recognized the relevance of the project.

This later, had almost immediate success due to the numbers of users and the demand for services which grew rapidly in a short time. Indeed, with unprecedented demands outside Scotland, the Scottish idea found its way in other EU countries.

In 1994, the European Commission, seen the success of the Eurodesk model, decided to present the project in Bruxelles to representatives of youth ministries from 7 (seven) Member States. It resulted in a pilot project to examine the feasibility of expanding the Eurodesk model, and developing it, in the EU countries.

By June 1995, the project found success in 7 EU countries, and it was decided that the Eurodesk had to been expanded in the resto of the European Union Member States. And in 1996, the Commission, decided to establish a full-tome research and coordination unit (Eurodesk Brussels Link) with the duty to support the national partners in providing the Eurodesk service.

It goes without saying it that in 2004 the Eurodesk network was designated as one of the support structures with the EU’s Youth programme. Which granted to the Eurodesk more funding and therefore more stability. Indeed, it allowed it to be more incisive and to bring new initiatives within the Youth programme: like the Right2Move or the Eurodesk Awards. Having, as always, the main duty to extend its outreach and inform youngsters about European opportunities.

The development is continuous ever since: the Eurodesk model found success whether in EU countries and non-EU countries — there are 36 states with national Eurodesk —; and nowadays it provides over 1100 regional and local Eurodesk relays.

In addition, in 2014 the Eurodesk was designed as frame of reference of the Erasmus+ programme, carrying out the pivotal duty of promoting and informing the youngsters about both programmes and initiatives promoted by the European Union and Council of Europe.

Since its funding, it answers enquiries and provides guidance for mobile young people across Europe. Eurodesk updates and manages content on the European Youth Portal, on its own website and national websites and youth portals and on its social media channels.

How to search the Eurodesk’s opportunities?

As you can assume, the Eurodesk has a dedicated website which lists all the opportunities both within and outside the European Union. Thus, it is sufficient to have an intern connection and to search for and enter the online portal. Otherwise, you can reach one of more than 1100 information points around Europe where you can have a direct chat with someone who can give you an outlook about the abroad opportunities.

Also, you can directly contact one of Eurodesk’s information points directly on Facebook and have, thus, an instantly conversation!

Anyways, one you have joined the Eurodesk website you will found immediately displayed two quick guides on how get in touch with them and how to cooperate, if you wish, with Eurodesk.

Further, on the website you will find a free browser dedicated to all the abroad opportunities — Eurodesk opportunity finder. Which is, let me say it, reliable and free of scams! Anyways, on the browser you can filter all the opportunities in studying, volunteering, internships, and grants. Each opportunity will be presented with a short description, the deadlines, and the direct link where to apply.

In addition, the Eurodesk opportunity finder allows you to select the topics of the abroad opportunity, the age group, the eligible countries, and the countries of destination.

Further, Eurodesk runs different projects related to youth information and participation. Indeed, each year it carries out numerous campaigns called Time to Move all around Europe. The aim is to highlight the work of local multipliers and to raise awareness among young people on ways of experiencing the world. Therefore, Eurodesk keeps up seriously its role of being a reliable subject to orient the youngsters.

Further duties of the Eurodesk

Another cornerstone of Eurodesk’s action is rising awareness about youngsters’ rights and freedoms within the European Union, providing to young people the chance to bring up any illegal behavior either in the selection process of an opportunity or during the abroad period within an institution.

Indeed, Eurodesk is actively engaged in the promotion of the right of free mobility within the European Union. And it never misses the chance, whenever it is possible, to raise awareness about it and invite the Commission and other EU institutions to uphold and foster this cornerstone of the European integration process.


That is all for this first part! We have found out when the Eurodesk has come into force, and what we can find on its website, and which are its main characteristics which drive this amazing opportunity for the young people of all associated countries.

In the next part of the article, which you will find always here on Amazonas’ Solidarity Blog, we will have a look on how the Eurodesk is working for implementing both opportunities and rights of the youngsters. And how it can have an impact of policy discussions of the European level!

Once explained these aspects, I will also give you my personal point of view on this structure and which are its cons and pros!

So, stay tuned and remember: Play. Learn. Evolve.!
