International Volunteer Day: A Day to Celebrate Helping Others
International Volunteer Day is celebrated each year on December 5th. Established by the United Nations in 1985, this special day honors the millions of volunteers
International Volunteer Day is celebrated each year on December 5th. Established by the United Nations in 1985, this special day honors the millions of volunteers
The International Day for Tolerance, observed every year on November 16, is an occasion designated by the United Nations to promote understanding, acceptance, and harmony among people of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. In an increasingly globalized world, the importance of tolerance cannot be overstated, as it serves as the foundation for peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, and unity within societies and across nations.
Last week me and one other volunteer started with our Language Classes for Amazonas Organisation. Noé from France was leading French classes on Tuesday (Online on Thursday) and Timo(me) the German Class on Monday (Wednesday online) and Conversational English Class on Tuesday at. So, you probably wonder how classes where like and what we did with our new language students, right?
Jedna od naših volonterki iz Udruge Amazonas, odlučila se za svoje prvo međunarodno iskustvo kroz Europsku snagu solidarnosti (ESC). Pridružila se radnom kampu u Slovačkoj, bez unaprijed formiranih očekivanja, ali s velikom željom za učenjem i pomaganjem. Kroz dvotjedni projekt, imala je priliku surađivati s volonterima iz različitih europskih zemalja te se suočiti s izazovima koji su je izveli iz njezine zone udobnosti. U nastavku donosimo njezino osobno iskustvo:
Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve been here to let you know about a new opportunity that the EU offers you, just by
This year’s fourth edition of “Spring on Trešnjevka ”( new name Pokreni Se na Trešnjevci) brought together a diverse community eager to embrace movement, culture, and mindfulness. Hosted by the dynamic Udruga Amazonas, the event was a mix of activities designed to inspire and connect participants of all ages.
Bom dia! Ja sam Karla i pišem iz malenog šarmantnog grada Águede u Portugalu gdje živim već dva mjeseca, a namjeravam ostati čitavu godinu. Volontiram
Nakon punih 9 mjeseci volontiranja u Nizozemskoj mogu sa sigurnošću reći da su putovanja, međunarodna prijateljstva i iskustvo života izvan Hrvatske najbolje što si možeš/trebaš priuštiti dok još nisi napunio 30.-tu🤍
This spring in Amazonas, will offer you a merry wide range of activities and interesting events.
Laba diena! Pozdrav iz Litve, ja sam Anea i ovdje sam već mjesec dana a plan je puna godina! Volontiram u dječjem vrtiću Rasa u