Volunteering is an amazing altruistic act that benefits the society greatly. Each individual benefits the cause and no amount of time spent is considered wasted or insignificant. And although the great things you can do by volunteering are unquestionable, you can also gain a lot of knowledge and experience in the field of your interest. Here is the list of activities and positions you can volunteer in Amazonas and how can they be beneficial to you. 😊
- Media/film volunteer
In this volunteering activity you will learn a lot about the media, technology, photography, editing photos, writing articles and media reports, managing social media profiles, advertising, editing and making videos and many more! This activity would be beneficial to you if you want to learn more about digital media, journalism and running social media accounts. This activity would be perfect fit if you want to work as a journalist or maybe learn how to present and manage an online presence of an organization or a company. Various skills you can learn by volunteering in this position are useful for multitude of jobs and positions as in todays day and age media literacy is of tremendous importance. However, you don’t have to approach this position only from professional standpoint, those activities are also great hobbies!
- Festival of Brazilian Culture Brazilactica
By working on this project, you will learn how an event is organized and how to attract and contact potential sponsors. You will also learn about different cultures and also improve your communication skills. This activity is great for you if you love organizing things and want to learn more about what it takes to successfully organize and host an event. It can help you improve your entrepreneurial competencies and help you learn how to work with sponsors on an international level.
- Actions/campaigns/events or similar short-term projects
If you are the type of person that does not like routine or to get tied-down by long term project and you would rather contribute on short-term events – you can contact us for this type of arrangement! It will offer you great experience on various short-term projects.

Amazonas also offers some auxiliary professions which can help you gain experience in your field of experties:
- Tribo moderna: learning assistance
In this activity you would help primary school students learn their subjects. This is a really good activity if you want to work with children or if you are studying to become a teacher. It gives you an opportunity to work with children firsthand and gain an experience on how they learn and how can you improve to become a better teacher.
- Tribo moderna: individual work with children
If you are a senior student of one of the complementary professions, you can improve your professional competencies through individual work with children at risk. This is a great way to gain an experience and at the same time learn a lot about children at risk. This experience would surely benefit you greatly in your future employment.
- Tribo moderna: group work with children
If you are a senior student of one of the complementary professions, and you love sports and sports activities, you should join this activity. You would work with children and after gaining some experience you could become coach. This is great if you want to become a coach, trainer, gym teacher… You can gain an amazing experience learn how to coach the best.
- Counseling / psychotherapy work
If you are a graduate of a complementary profession and/or in education for one of the psychotherapeutic majors, you can volunteer and support the most vulnerable groups. Counseling and psychotherapy are conducted primarily with parents of children at risk, through the Tribo moderna project and with families in the social welfare system in cooperation with CZSS Trešnjevka. This activity is great if you plan on working in this field and you want to learn and gain more experience by working with vulnerable groups and people that need help the most.
Those are the activities that you can join at Amazonas. Not only would you learn a lot of skills and gain practical experience in your field of interest, you would also greatly help those in need. Volunteering perfectly combines benefits for you and benefits for the society.