Erasmus+ -‘More than sport’
Overall aim of the project is to create structured program for working with youngsters with fewer opportunities in order to encourage their personal development and sustainable social transformation.
Overall aim of the project is to create structured program for working with youngsters with fewer opportunities in order to encourage their personal development and sustainable social transformation.
‘Don’t you fake it’ is an 8 days Erasmus+ youth exchange that will take place in the coastal city of Vrsar in Istria region, Croatia, from 10th to 18th of October
Pridruži se Amazonasovom timu i volontiraj na našim društvenim projektima. Možeš se uključiti u projekt ‘Tribo Moderna – capoeira za toleranciju i nenasilje’ ili u projekt ‘Osnaženi- podrška roditeljstvu na Trešnjevci’.
This year summercamp is in Pula! For more information check the infopack! Here is the schedule:
TC Move to grow is an 8 days training course on using sport activities as an educational tool as well as a tool in working
We are organizing a youth exchange: Movement for change. In Crikvenica, Croatia, from 20th to 29th of September 2021. Read all the details in the
We are looking for 4 ESC volunteers, European residents, that are willing to spend 11 months in Zagreb starting from September 2021.You will have an opportunity
Edukacija je usmjerena na osvještavanje jezičnih obrazaca koje koristimo u komunikaciji i načinu na koji oni mogu utjecati na sugovornika. Koje su to riječi ili
CAPOEIRA ZA DJECU S TEŠKOĆAMA Capoeira je afro-brazilska vještina u kojoj se isprepliću elementi borilačkih vještina, akrobatike, plesa i glazbe. Capoeira za djecu utječe na uravnotežen