A burek of adventures: four pearls of wisdom to share
As my time in Amazonas comes to a close, with just one more month remaining, I find myself reflecting on the valuable lessons I have learned throughout this year full of excitement.
As my time in Amazonas comes to a close, with just one more month remaining, I find myself reflecting on the valuable lessons I have learned throughout this year full of excitement.
I have been in Croatia for a month speaking English daily. It’s the first time I have to, and apparently some changes appear. Sometimes, when
Learn by drawing – Capoeira Bojanka The Coloring Book called “Capoeira Bojanka” presented by Udruga Amazonas and made thanks to the creativity of Mathilde, our
Why wouldn’t we learn another language? Introduction: To learn (at least) another language is mandatory in (from what I know so far) all schools
One day when I was in the forest on the phone with a friend (nothing better than the serenity of the forest to talk to
Stress awareness Today I want to talk about Stress and what it is and at what point it could become a concern in your life.
Pandemija korona virusa traje već više od godinu dana (ponekad taj podatak doista djeluje nevjerojatno)! U tom periodu, na roditelje je stavljen ogroman teret. Od
Objektivna prijetnja virusa, ali i život u stalno mijenjajućim uvjetima koji nam otežavaju bilo kakvo planiranje (a takva nesigurnost rijetko kome ne predstavlja problem) imaju
My friend the iguana March is coming, and I still have to find what I am going to talk about. I had in mind that
The month of February We are now back to our normal working schedule. And as I am sure most of you have heard, the measurements