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EU opportunities for young people

The European Union, often mentioned but not always fully understood, is a unique entity that has evolved since its creation. If we take a moment

Ruminacija ili overthinking

Naš um dnevno proizvede više od 60 000 misli. Neke od tih misli „ulovimo“ i na njima zadržimo pažnju, ali isto tako nam dobar dio

Zdravi i nezdravi odnosi – koja je razlika?

Ne znači da u zdravom odnosu neće biti konflikata već da će se o nastalom konfliktu moći razgovarati te međusobno uvažiti pozicija svake osobe. Nezdravi odnos, s druge strane, možemo definirati kao onaj u kojemu fali poštovanje između osoba.

Spring in Trešnjevka

Spring in Trešnjevka was an event held over four days with various workshops and activities in Park stara Trešnjevka. Despite the rainy start on the first day, which forced us back into the safety of walls and roofs, the event was just like a spring, blooming with life and activity.

On self-respect

We all have that one writer we discover in our youth. And we love that writer in a way we will never love any other writer. Mine is Joan Didion.